At first, it seemed like a typical week at Cummings Properties’ Woburn headquarters. The background hum of office equipment and busy conversations, broken only by the louder call of ringing phones. Then chants of “Go, Woburn!” and “Team Stoneham!” bolstered by cowbells and applause rippled through the office. The excitement and drama unfolding on the ice rinks and ski slopes of Pyeongchang South Korea during the Olympic Games had spread to colleagues at Cummings Properties:
The Office Olympics were on!
Each day at lunch, teams – each named after a community where the Company owns commercial real estate – sent forth one “athlete” to participate in events such as Around the World, Nerf Archery, and Conference Room Cornhole. Over the course of two weeks, there were medals, opening and closing ceremonies, good-natured ribbing, and a lot of laughter.

Level Loop Shoot” gold medalist Cindy Carey (center) celebrates her victory alongside silver medalist Grayson Barlow (left) and bronze medalist Alyson Sovie (right).
“This was so much fun,” said Grayson Barlow, associate account manager and Level Loop Shoot silver medalist. “Everyone was so energized after lunch, and it was a great way to spend time with colleagues in a different context.” (View photos of the Level Loop Shoot and other office sports on our Flickr page.)
Creating opportunities for staff to interact for non-work-related purposes is common at Cummings Properties. In addition to the Games, the Company has organized events such as barbeques, deep sea fishing excursions, and paint nights. Cummings also brings in well-known sports nutritionist Jules Hindman on a monthly basis for its own version of “The Biggest Loser,” during which colleagues improve health and fitness together in a supportive environment.
Does this sound like a team you’d like to join? Check out Cummings’ current career opportunities online.